Sunrise Wobble Pattern


I'm in WI of USA.

In our area, on Jan 20, sunrise at 7:28 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:34 am.
On Jan 21, sunrise at 7:27 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:37 am.
On Feb 1, real sunrise at 7:25 am (I didn't check the forecast). For about 10 min after sunrise, the Sun's moved sliding on the horizon.
On Feb 2, sunrise at 7:15 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:28 am.
On Feb 6, sunrise at 7:10 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:20~25 am.
On Feb 8, sunrise at 7:07 am by forecast, but real sunrise at 7:20 am.

I don't check everyday, but I think above dates have relation to earth wobble. Especially, the sunrise on Feb 2 is later than Feb 1. I'm also finding the Sun a bit too far South.


Nancy's Comments: This is the wobble, as you are getting a consistent LATE sunrise, later than expected. Note that the "Italy Face" has the globe tilted so that the Sun is too far South, at sunrise, and we in Wisconsin are a bit too far North at that time too. Then we get into the "Americas Face" but only at noon over the US. You should be finding the Sun a bit too far South, also. On February 2, you literally were observing the Earth move during the wobble.


I have records of another sunrise wobble pattern in WI.

On Feb 15, sunrise at 6:57 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:04 am.

On Feb 17, sunrise at 6:54 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:10 am.

On Feb 20, sunrise at 6:49 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:04 am.

On Feb 21, sunrise at 6:48 am by forecast, not yet at 6:57, but the sun already rise at 7:05 am.

On Feb 24, sunrise at 6:43 am by forecast, not yet at 6:57. I couldn't check the exact time of sunrise.

The sun rose too far south.

On Mar 2, sunrise at 6:32 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:43 around.

On Mar 4, sunrise at 6:29 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:38 around.

On Mar 5, I couldn't  check the sunrise time by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:27.

On Mar 8, sunrise at 6:21 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:30.

On Mar 14, sunrise at 7:10 am by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:22.

It begins summer time, and the sun rose too far north.

Also, high temperature is 32°F(37°F), low temperature is -4°F(18°F).

( ) is average. Low temperature of the day is absolutely lower than average.

On Mar 17, I couldn't check the sunrise time by forecast, but already rise at 7:33.

On Mar 20, sunrise at 6:59 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:10 around.

On Mar 21, sunrise at 6:56 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:56 around, high temperature is 23°F(38°F), low temperature is 3°F(19°F).

On Mar 22, sunrise at 6:55 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:00 around, High temperature is 30°F(37°F), low temperature is -2°F(17°F).

On Mar 27, sunrise at 6:46 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 6:50 around, and the sun already rose at 6:59.

On Mar 28, sunrise at 6:44 by forecast, but actual sunrise at 7:00 around.


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